Só no passinho! Jonatas tenta impressionar com dancinha e cantada em inglês | Vai Dar Namoro

O corretor de imóveis Jonatas, de 26 anos, já foi casado e está solteiro há cinco meses. Para impressionar as meninas, ele entrou no palco mostrando que sabe dançar. Será que a mulherada gostou do remelexo do rapaz? Ao menos na máquina da verdade, ele foi aprovado!

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Is It A Good Idea To Let Your Spouse Read Your Diary To Show Him How You Feel About His Infidelity?

“I have been keeping a diary since my husband and I first got married. I keep a journal outlining our lives together. Since I found out about my husband’s affair, I have kept hundreds of pages of my reactions and my pain. Last night, I was trying to make my husband understand how deeply his affair hurt me and how it has affected my thinking about my marriage. So I thought about allowing him to read my journal. Because this could express my feelings more accurately than I would ever be able to do this verbally. Before just handing my journal over though, I decided to think on it for a while. And here is where I have a couple of concerns. First of all, I am pretty harsh in some of my descriptions of my husband. Second, I wouldn’t want for him to go riffling through my journal and reading other parts of it. Not that there is anything bad in there. It’s just that I don’t want him reading my personal thoughts. Do you think there is any benefit in allowing him to read my journal as it pertains to the affair only?”

It’s Weird How Calm My Spouse Is After Finding Out About The Affair – What Could This Mean?

“I thought long and hard before I admitted my affair to my husband. Actually, the relationship has been over for six months. But during that time, the guilt has really gotten to me. I started to feel so bad about the fact that my husband is investing in our marriage without any knowledge of how I have put that same marriage at risk. Because of my guilt, I have actually been distancing myself from my husband. This is the last thing that I want. My desire is for my marriage to be loving, healthy, and lasting. So I decided to tell him the truth because I felt that this was necessary for my marriage. So I braced myself and I told him. I expected for him to slam doors, become very angry, and maybe even to leave me. But, he didn’t do any of these things. He was very quiet. He asked if I had anything else to tell him. I answered that I had told him everything but that I was willing to answer any questions that he might have. He didn’t have any questions. He just kept quiet.”

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