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Do You Doubt Your Husband’s Love For You After His Affair? These Insights Might Help

I heard from a wife who felt the same. She said: “part of me loathes my husband for having an affair. There are days when I want absolutely nothing to do with him. And then there are days when I don’t want to throw my marriage away. This other woman isn’t worth that. One mistake isn’t worth that. The major problem that we are having now is that I have trouble believing him when he says he loves me now and that he never stopped loving me. I will have awful thoughts like he wasn’t thinking of his love for me when he was with another woman. It’s so hard for me to understand how you can love someone at the same instance as you are betraying them. And so a part of me is always wondering if my husband is lying. And when I question this, he becomes angry at me and gets discouraged. He says if I’m always going to doubt him that we may as well just go ahead and get a divorce. But I just can’t help it. What can you do when you doubt your husband’s love for you even though he had an affair?”

Should I Separate From My Husband After His Affair To Scare Him?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair last month. Apparently, it wasn’t a long term affair and he swears it wasn’t that meaningful to him and that he wants to stay married to me. But I am so very wounded by this. I want him to be filled with remorse and I want him to be scared of losing me. And I’m not seeing either one of these right now. My mother suggested that I insist that we separate. She said this would make him see what he lost and make him wonder if he’s going to be able to maintain the marriage since I will be the one making the choices. Is this advised? Is it a good idea to separate after the affair? I will try to answer these questions, as well as offer some pros and cons, in the following article.

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