Sobre programa com Marcos Mion! #shorts

Sobre programa com Marcos Mion! #shorts
#marcosmion #mtv #record #victorcoelho #programas #humorista #tvfama #famacast #redetv

Once a Cheater Always a Cheater? The Surprising Truth Behind Affairs

You’ve probably heard the phrase before: “Once a cheater, always a cheater.” Is this popular saying true? If your boyfriend or husband cheats on you, is he destined to cheat again?

Surviving Infidelity – Are You Feeling Sorrow or Stoic?

One of the biggest reasons people fail in surviving infidelity is falling into the trap of denial. If you choose to dwell on a lie, it will destroy you in the end. But one thing almost nobody understands, is that there are many different ways of practicing denial.

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