Sobre Samantha Schmutz: “Tem que pensar que a mensagem que ela transmite é para várias pessoas!”

Sobre Samantha Schmutz: “Tem que pensar que a mensagem que ela transmite é para várias pessoas!”

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After The Affair – Is Your Marriage Really Over After An Affair?

Is my marriage really over? After all these long years of great memories and hard work really over? This is a question that so many people ask themselves after the affair.

My Husband Had An Affair – Should I Stay Or Go?

Whether to stay or go after a husband’s affair is one of the most common questions that I receive. I often hear comments like “I am so torn as to whether I should stay with my husband or leave him after his affair. I never thought I would think about ending my marriage. But I never thought he’d cheat on me either. Part of me believes that with a lot of work, we could work this out. But another part of me wonders if I can ever get over this or if I will ever be able to trust him again. I’m so angry all of the time and when I interact with him, I get even angrier. I know this is no way to have a healthy marriage. I just don’t know what to do. I wish this had never happened in the first place. What should I do? I don’t know if I’m better off staying or going.”

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