Solteira, Jojo Todynho sobe no trio elétrico de Lexa e fala sobre seu futuro: “Animadíssima”

A cantora e apresentadora Jojo Todynho disse ao TV Fama que está se preparando para se tornar uma empreendedora. Ela garante que logo em breve se arriscará como empresária.

Is Jealousy An Obstacle Preventing You Surviving An Affair?

After you find out about the affair, do you feel like you can not trust your spouse again and even the smallest hint of betrayal is making you extra-vigilant? When you are going to the restaurant, if your spouse smiles at the waitress or maybe takes a phone call from a friend of the opposite sex, in this situations do you feel your heart pumping faster and rage or even anger emotions?

Healing After Infidelity – There Is An End To The Long And Bumpy Road Ahead!

When the person you love most in the world has cheated on you, there are no words that can describe the way you feel. You walk around in a daze from day to day, wondering how on earth it happened, and become more depressed as the days go by. You imagine that this is how you are going to feel for the rest of your life. Healing after infidelity is possible though – there is a light ahead.

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