Solteiro, Gabriel Medina manda recado aos relacionamentos passados: “Já foi, ex é ex”

Gabriel Medina esteve no Rock in Rio e disse que, além de curtir os shows, veio ao Rio para rever amigos. Questionado sobre a presença de sua ex-esposa e até mesmo a ex-ficante Jade Picon no evento, o surfista foi rápido na resposta: “Já foi, ex é ex” #TVFama

My Husband Says He Cheated Because I Didn’t Appreciate Him: Tips And Insights That Might Help

If you spend any amount of time researching why men cheat on their wives, I’m extremely confident that you’ll read about this theory of why men cheat. Many experts have been quite outspoken about their assertions that a man’s cheating has less to do with sex or with his attraction to his wife and more to do with that same husband not feeling appreciated. Supposedly, because of this lack of appreciation, the second another woman listens to the husband, notices his efforts and attributes, and seems to appreciate him, the marriage is vulnerable to an affair. And if the woman who appreciates him is affectionate and available, then an affair is that much more likely and the marriage is that much more vulnerable.

3 Tips for Getting Over the Pain of Being Cheated On

You cannot avoid the pain of being cheated on. What you need to do to so as not to get stuck inside this pain for years.

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