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After an Affair: The Importance of Being Honest With Your Spouse
One of the biggest obstacles that couples face after an affair is trust. How can you be certain that they won’t go behind your back and do it again? You want to save your marriage and trust your partner again, but you want to do it without having paranoid thoughts about what they’re doing when you’re not around.
Talking Less at Dinner – An Indication of a Physical or Emotional Affair?Although there is no set formula for determining the likelihood of an emotional affair, one indication that a marriage may be beginning to to unravel is the amount of conversation between spouses. Studies indicate that there is a link between length of marriage and length of conversation. Consistently bland, forced, or non-existent conversation is a warning sign which could indicate the existence of a physical or emotional affair. Learn the warning signs, how to combat waning conversation, and discover what to do if you believe that emotional or physical infidelity is occurring.