FamaCast é o novo podcast do TV FAMA. Segundas, quartas e sextas pelas redes sociais do TV Fama.


After the Affair – Steps to Rebuilding Your Marriage After Infidelity

Is the best policy honesty? That is the question isn’t it so much so that lots of us struggle with it occasionally. But in a marriage that is in the post-affair state you will find that complete honesty is a must and without it it is highly unlikely that your marriage will survive.

Why Do Men Cheat on Business Trips?

It is not uncommon for a woman to worry about what her husband is doing while he is away from the home, especially when he is away for extended periods of time. With all that we hear on the radio and see on television and films, it seems that almost every man is ready to cheat, and many of them take advantage of business trips to engage in extramarital affairs. But are women right to worry about their husbands while they’re away?

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