Tayara e Matias se surpreendem com assédio na Casa da Fama

Tayara e Matias foram a São Paulo pensando que iam participar do processo seletivo de um novo programa. Mal sabiam os dois que ambos iriam participar do “Pronto Pra Fama”. Chegando à Casa da Fama, eles tiveram que lidar com o “assédio” da imprensa e conversaram com Mariano e Jake Oliveira.

Inscreva-se no canal Hora do Faro: http://r7.com/cMXe
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Site oficial: https://recordtv.r7.com/hora-do-faro

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3 Signs of a Cheating Spouse, and How Did He/She Get That Way?

First the marriage will start to go through some bumps in the road (lack of attention and needs). These bumps allow a cheating spouse to have negative thoughts towards his/her spouse (anger, jealousy, fear and even hatred). The cheating spouse will allow these thoughts to control his/her actions (excessive drinking, cussing, fighting, cheating on spouse). All it takes is temptation of a sympathetic ear can spark an emotional affair that can develop into a physical affair.

Essential Questions to Help You Rebuild Trust With Your Wife

After infidelity, rebuilding trust is a #1 priority. If you and your wife are to move on from the affair and move closer together again, you will need to heal and develop strong trust between you. Find out how asking yourself (and your partner) some essential questions can help rebuild trust.

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