Terminaram o noivado: Marcella Rica e Vitória Strada não são mais um casal

Chegou ao fim o noivado das atrizes Marcella Rica e Vitória Strada. O término do relacionamento pegou os fãs de surpresa. Nas redes sociais, Marcella e Vitória se pronunciaram dando a entender que o fim foi amigável #TVFama

How To Find Out If Your Spouse Is Cheating On You Now

Trust is a huge component of a healthy relationship with your significant other. Without trust, any relationship is most definitively going to suffer. Its sad but true, that there are a lot of relationships where a partner is unfaithful. If you wonder if your partner is cheating, its hard to get rid of that thought. There are ways to ease your mind.

3 Things You Can Do to Save Your Marriage After Cheating

There are things you can do after cheating that will save your marriage. Find out three of them below.

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