Thaila Ayala fala sobre depressão durante a gravidez: “Falar é importante”

Durante entrevista exclusiva ao ’TV FAMA’, Thaila Ayala compartilhou as dificuldades que enfrentou durante sua primeira gravidez. A atriz abriu o coração e falou sobre a importante das mães falarem sobre o assunto.

“Durante o processo eu não consegui dividir. Acho que cada um acha um jeito de passar por esse processo. O falar se torna cada vez mais importante para que as mulheres tenham menos medo do julgamento e mais acolhimento, que é o que a gente precisa nesse momento”, disse a artista. Confira! #TVFAMA

3 Reasons Whether You Should Stay or Go After His Affair

Dealing with an affair can be heart breaking, but also very confusing. You have all these feelings inside that you can’t get rid of and plus, he seems to regret it. But now you wonder, what if he will do it again?

My Spouse Had An Affair, But Still Wants Me – However, I Don’t Know If Want Him

“My husband was well aware of the fact that I consider cheating unacceptable. My husband and I watched my brother-in-law’s cheating tear my sister’s family apart. Well, of course my husband eventually cheated. And now, I feel the need to make good on what I’ve already said. Although my husband is proclaiming how badly he wants me back to anyone who will listen, I don’t want him. I truly don’t. Yes, I’m sad that this is going to mean the end of our marriage and our family. Yes, this is a real tragedy. But it is my husband’s fault. Not mine. However, my husband pretty much seeks me out every day to tell me how much he wants me. He calls my family and whines to them to make them feel sorry for him. And now my sister has told me that not at least giving him a chance to fix this would be a mistake. She says that it is so hard being on your own and that she misses her husband. She said her advice to me is to give him another chance. Why don’t people understand that he may want me, but I do not want him?”

Do I Have The Right To Try To Fight For My Marriage When I’m The One Who Cheated?

“I’m embarrassed to admit it now, but there was a time about two months ago when I wasn’t even sure if I loved my husband anymore. I felt like I had something special with the ‘other man.’ However, once my husband found out and I was faced with losing him and potentially not having him in my life anymore, things were crystal clear to me. I do not want to lose him. I do not want to give up my marriage. I still love him, but our marriage had been deteriorating. I feel like we could fix this, but he says that he does not think that he can ever get past my betrayal. He says that it might be better if we divorce. I can not accept this. I told my best friend that I intend to fight for my husband, but she says that I gave up the right to fight for him when I cheated. Is she correct?”

What Should You Do When You Suspect Your Husband Wants You To Feel Pity Because Of His Affair?

“When I first caught my husband cheating on me, he was angry. He acted as if I was the world’s biggest snoop and he accused me of seeing things that weren’t there. I stood my ground with his anger and eventually, I guess he decided that anger was the wrong tactic to try with me. So now he has apparently moved onto pity. He says he is a weak person who doesn’t deserve me. He says that he is worried that he is going to lose everything and not have anyone. He asks me all of the time if I know how horribly he feels about himself and how much he loathes himself. I wonder if all of this is an act. And even if it isn’t, I wonder why he thinks that I should even care. He made his choice. And now I am supposed to feel sorry for him? He sure didn’t feel sorry for me when he was sleeping with someone else. I don’t feel any pity for him and when he tries to get me to feel this, I just feel more anger toward him. Does anyone feel pity for cheating husbands?”

I See Myself As Damaged After My Spouse’s Affair

“I look back at the woman I was six months ago and it makes me so sad that I’m almost sick over it. I honestly thought that I had it all. This all changed when I found out about my husband’s affair. I was completely shocked and devastated. I felt like an idiot. I won’t say that the signs were completely obvious, but they were there. And I didn’t see them because I was so smug that my life was wonderful. I feel like a complete fool. People at my job know about this because the other woman actually works here. And now I feel like I’ve lost the respect at my job that I have worked so hard for. And I feel like my friends, who used to respect me, now pity me. Honestly, I feel damaged. I feel like someone who had too much pride and smugness and who must know be taken down a notch. I have lost a good deal of my confidence and this means that I have lost a lot of my contentedness. Will I always feel this damaged? I feel like I’m in a hole that I can’t dig myself out of.”

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