Um dia antes de desfilar pela Mocidade Alegre, a campeã do BBB20, Thelma Assis, em conversa com o TV Fama, disse que prefere não revelar o valor de suas fantasias de carnaval: “Não gosto de ostentar” #TVFama
When Should You Leave Your Cheating Wife Behind?
Is there ever a time when you should leave your cheating wife behind and strike out on your own? Some marriages really aren’t meant to be. As hard as it is to walk away, sometimes that is the best course of action. Keep reading to find out a few times when walking away really might be the right move to make after your wife cheats.
Make Your Husband Completely Loyal to You By Doing This!Don’t you wish there was a way to make your husband completely loyal to you? There is! Find out what it is and why it’s so effective below.