Durante entrevista ao ‘TV FAMA’, a vencedora do BBB20, Thelma Assis, também deu sua opinião sobre a estreia de Jade Picon como atriz na próxima trama da Rede Globo.
“Eu acho que a gente tem que valorizar as oportunidades e eu tenho certeza que a Jade vai agarrar com unhas e dentes e vai se doar. Ao mesmo tempo, a gente tem que respeitar muito essa galera que está aí há muito tempo estudando”, disse a médica. Confira! #TVFAMA
How to Identify a Cheating Boyfriend?
The foundation of any relationship is trust. However, in current times the cases of betrayal have become commonplace. And, at such a time there arises a question, “Should one trust his or her partner completely?” Unfaithfulness in relationships occurs not only among married couples but also among couples who are not married. There are numerous cases of cheating boyfriends and girlfriends these days.
My Husband Is Showing Obvious Signs Of Guilt After His Affair. How Should I React To This?“I’ll be honest. I like that my husband is hurting after his affair. I like that he feels awful about it and thinks poorly of himself. He deserves all of these feelings. But sometimes, his guilt leaks into the whole house. Don’t get me wrong. He should feel guilty. He lied to me, to his mother, and to our kids. But it’s almost painful to watch. He walks around all slumped over and looking like he’s going to cry at any minute. If we go to a restaurant, he will order salad and water. He will say that he deserves nothing more. If our kids try to show him affection, he will burst into tears and say that he doesn’t deserve their love. He spends money that we really don’t have buying me guilt gifts. So I’m not quite sure how I feel about this. On one hand, he should feel guilty. On the other hand, he’s a drag to be around. At some point, he’s going to have to meet me like an equal if we’re going to save our marriage. And he acts as if he almost can’t bear to talk to me. How should I handle this?”
Does The Other Woman In The Affair Feel Smug At The Idea Of Breaking Up A Family?“I’ve never seen the woman my husband cheated with. I know that she is somewhat younger. I picture her as smug and conniving. My husband said that he didn’t hide the fact that he was married, but apparently, this didn’t bother her at all. In fact, my husband finally confessed that she almost saw it as a challenge – to get a resistant man to cheat. When I started to suspect the affair, he tried to break it off, but she tried very hard not to allow this to happen. I don’t really want to talk to her or seek her out, but I have to admit that I wonder what she thinks about all of this. I am wondering if she feels all triumphant because she finally wore down a married man and has potentially destroyed a family. There is nothing that I can do about this. It’s not as if I have the ability to make her sorry or anything. But for my own curiosity, I just wonder how smug she is feeling right now. Is smugness common of all women who cheat with men who are already spoken for?”
I Eliminated My Spouse From My Life After His Affair. How Do I Let Him Back In?“I know that is a totally a stereotype, but when I found out about my husband’s cheating, I threw his belongings out of the house and I refused to let him in. As days went by, he started coming by my office in an attempt to talk to me. I have thwarted every single attempt that he has made to speak to or communicate with me. One of our mutual friends ran into my husband at a bar. The friend said my husband was unkempt and a mess. My husband mentioned that his father was in the hospital due to a stroke. My heart is sinking because now I feel like that could have been what my husband was trying to communicate with me when I was refusing to see him. I know that if anything happened to my parents, he would be there for me. How do I let him know that I’m willing to be there for him without making a commitment toward our marriage?”
My Husband Continues To Lie After His AffairSince his affair, even small things like this are intolerable to me and it’s becoming a much bigger problem. I am now extremely sensitive to lies because his lying is what allowed him to successfully carry out his affair. It’s also why I did not suspect him until the affair had become a real problem. We fought an awful lot about his lying about or omitting details about the affair. And yet, I still catch him in little white lies. He’ll tell me that he ate lunch at a certain place and come to find out, he ate somewhere else. Or he will mix up the order that he did things. When I confront him, he gets defensive and says that he misspoke and that it’s impossible to accurately account for every single second of his day.