Tramontina esclarece crítica às ex-atrizes globais: “Eu não faria, mas é um direito”

Em entrevista exclusiva ao TV Fama, Carlos Tramontina, ex-apresentador de telejornais da TV Globo, esclareceu a polêmica sobre as críticas que ele fez à conduta das ex-atrizes da emissora global, Maitê Proença e Carolina Ferraz que processaram a Globo após deixarem a empresa. “Eu não faria, mas é um direito”

Survive Infidelity and Divorce

One of the most difficult things a spouse must deal with in infidelity is the betrayal of trust and the lies. If you are the betrayed spouse, you can become disoriented by the betrayal when the cheater is trying to avoid any confrontation and anger that comes when the infidelity is found out. They will deny everything to keep themselves from being found out.

Making Sense Out of the Twisted Logic of Cheaters

You may have wondered what goes on in the mind of a cheater. This article explores the reasoning process often used by cheaters in their infidelity.

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