Treinando há dois dias, Victor tenta se equilibrar no balance board | Vai Dar Namoro

Victor está no Vai Dar Namoro pela segunda vez. Ele tem 25 anos e é ator e modelo. Para impressionar as pretendentes, ele escolheu uma habilidade que está treinando há dois dias: tentou se equilibrar no balance board no palco do programa.

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Signs Your Partner Is Lying To You – Watch Out For These 6 Red Flags To Discover Infidelity

Ever had that hunch, where you just knew that your partner was lying? Maybe you shrugged it off, through fear of coming across as paranoid, but deep down, it kept niggling away at you. People are bad at spotting liars because they look for the wrong signals, according to research presented to the British Association’s annual science festival in Leicester, UK. (BBC News) So we have compiled a check list for you so that you know what you really should be looking out for. 1. Always listen to your intuition: It sounds obvious right. But let’s be honest here. How many of us hear our intuition but then try and rationalise or ignore what it is saying to us? The issue, is that once we have that ‘gut feeling’, we are not quite sure how to act upon it. But don’t just stifle your inner voice, because more often than not, it is trying to tell you something!

Is Your Partner Cheating On You? Guilt – A Sign Of Infidelity In Relationships

Usually, you’d never argue with flowers, gifts or special dinners out. Those special home-made meals should make you feel loved and appreciated. So why are they suddenly ‘ringing wrong’ and making you uncomfortable? Could they be signs that your partner is feeling guilty about something? Guilt can be a tough burden to live with. If we still care about our husband or wife, but we find ourselves drawn into a tryst or ongoing affair, anyway, we’re in conflict. Regardless of whether we find ourselves ending or continuing the affair, we don’t want to lose our primary relationship and the life we’ve built around it. More, we know we’re wrong. We’ve betrayed our loved one on the deepest level. So how do we feel? Guilty.

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