TV Fama (15/06/22) | Completo:

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Unhealthy Relationships: When It’s Time to Throw In the Towel

Often, people consider ending an unhealthy relationship as one of the most difficult circumstance they face. But if they allay those fears, it is possible to get out of it and find their own road to happiness.

Should I Stop The Other Woman To Tell Her How Much I Loathe Her?

“I actually know the other woman. Not very well. But I know who she is. Her child goes to the same school that my children go to. Both of us walk our children to their classrooms. Now, I take another route to my children’s classrooms so that I do not have to see her. This makes me a little disappointed in myself. I feel like I should stand up to her. She has seen my with my two children and so she knows full well that her actions were going to affect a family. I hate her. I loathe her. I feel like she is the lowest form of life on this earth. I have considered confronting her after my children are safely in their classrooms. In fact, I fantasize about this on a regular basis. I don’t feel the need to have a huge confrontation. I just want to tell her that I hate her guts, that I think she is deplorable, and that I hope she rots in hell. Then, I am fully prepared to walk away. I feel like once I have my say, I can truly put this behind me.”

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