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Psychology of Sex: Approaching a Woman
Invisible bond of attraction Many of us are envious of a colleague or another man known to you escorting a lovely girl on his arm. This element of envy is usually with men known to you. One is not really bothered to see an unknown man escorting a beautiful girl other than an appreciative glance.
Do Muslim Men Lust For Hindu WomenLust is a word that means intense or unrestrained sexual craving. Sometimes the word does look vulgar or course but it defines a mindset that is dictated by desire and temptation. All over India and Pakistan, the one fact that stands out is the number of Hindu girls with Muslim men has husbands.
After Infidelity-Stay or Go?When you get the devastating news that your spouse has had an affair, how do you decide whether to stay or go? Because you feel betrayed, your first impulse is usually anger, and wanting to leave-fight or flight. But, after you calm down, you realize there’s a lot you’ll lose, and you may have children to consider.
Love in the Far East of RussiaAt one time Russia rivaled the USA as a global power, but then came Gorbochov and we all know that Russia broke up into 18 states. This was also the end of the Russian dream for parity with USA, as the population was reduced by half and so was the area. But when Russia was a monolith place under communist rule it was organized and Indians were well respected.
France Is Rocked by a Sexual Relationship Between a 14 Year Girl and 50 Year Old WriterLiterary circles in France are agog with a new Book that is likely to be published early next year. The author of the book is Vanessa Springora who is heading a French publishing company. She has accused 83-year-old French author Gabriel Matzneff of child abuse in her book.