TV Fama (29/06/22) | Completo

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I Want My Husband To Have No Contact With The Other Woman – Should I Make Him Block Her Number?

“My husband promised that he would end things with the other woman. I really wanted to believe that he was telling me the truth, but I had my doubts. I have read their emails and texts. And I know that he was making claims to be in love with her. I also know that a great deal of deception went into the relationship. So frankly, I don’t much care what he claims. And that is why I went and looked at the call history on his cell phone and on our home phone. And guess what I found? Her phone number. At this point, I am thinking that I am going to contact both the home phone and the cell phone companies and block her phone number. WIll this keep him from contacting her?”

When to Confront Your Man About Cheating

Have you been feeling as if your man has been cheating on you, but don’t know if and when you should confront him with your suspicions? This articles gives you the information you need to do so before you become caught up in a even more painful situation.

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