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Dealing With Marriage and Infidelity As a Cheating Spouse

There is always a reason why you decided to pull away from your partner and have an affair. The way you deal with the aftermath differentiates spouses who cheat from one another. You have to face not only the reaction of your spouse, but also you have to deal with your own feelings. It gets even more complicated when you fall in love with the person you had an affair with. First of all, you have to be willing to admit to your mistake and try to fix the relationship. If you are not in love with your spouse but with the other person, you have to come clean and break the relationship right away. Staying in a relationship based on lies that also lacks love will hurt you as well as your spouse’s feelings. Try to see what pushed you further away from your partner and discuss it with him or her. Think if the affair was just a mistake or something more.

How Do You Survive Infidelity After It Entered Your Relationship?

Infidelity is the worst thing that can happen in a marriage. Being lied to is not a poof of love but a proof of lack of respect and boundaries. The wave of emotions makes it impossible to think straight and there are some important and hard decisions to make after discovering infidelity. Getting your mind straight may seem impossible but has to be done in order to set things straight between you and your spouse. First of all, do not try to understand the reasons behind the affair. Confront your spouse about it, ask them why they did it, but do not try to understand their reasons and blame yourself. However, you must try and discuss their reasons with your spouse. If there were problems in the relationship, your partner should have put their energy into finding a solution within marriage. Ask them what went wrong and why did they feel it was better to solve their problems with someone else.

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