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Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts
There are a lot of couples today who encounter a lot of problems in life especially in their relationship but couples should always remember that these problems can be fixed. There are several things to do to be able to save relationships, especially marriage, before they even start.
How Can I Stop Hating Myself For My Affair?I sometimes hear from people who are so angry at themselves for cheating or having an affair, that they have come to hate not only their actions, but they also hate themselves. I heard from a woman who said: “I cheated on my husband. It was the worst mistake I have ever made in my entire life and I spend every second of every day regretting it. My husband says he will try to forgive me and we are working on saving our marriage. I want that more than anything. The problem is that I am so angry at myself. I literally hate myself. And these feelings are hurting my marriage. Because I don’t feel like I deserve my husband. So I am always crying and apologizing and this frustrates my husband. He says he would prefer it if I would not constantly bring this up so that we can move on with your lives. I just can’t seem to help it. When I look at myself in the mirror, I am so disgusted with myself that I have to look away. What can I do? Because I am really struggling.”