TV Fama: Entrevista exclusiva com Eri Jonhson; Roberto Cabrini e muito mais (21/07/22) | Completo

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Who to Talk to After Your Spouse Cheated

Your spouse cheated, and the shame and embarrassment are weighing heavily on you. You feel lacking in someway; thinking something is wrong with you for this to happen, making you embarrassed to face anyone.

He Would Like To Pretend The Infidelity Never Happened – But I Don’t Think I Can

I heard from a wife who said: “early on in our marriage, I caught my husband chatting with other women online. It was right after I had our first child. Now, it is seven years later. I can not complain about him as a husband. He is a good man. And he is a wonderful father. But last month, he went to his high school reunion and when I was unpacking his bags, a pair of panties was in with his clothing. I was beside myself and I immediately confronted him. Right away, he admitted that he had gotten drunk and had a fling with an old classmate. And the little voice in the back of my head is telling me that we need to go to counseling and do a lot of work on our marriage or we are never going to make it. But when I tell my husband this, he says that I am overreacting. He says that he would never ever be unfaithful again. He wants to just forget the whole thing. But I just can’t. Am I wrong?”

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