TV Fama: Larissa Manoela curtindo noivado; Dudu Nobre e bombom com filha (06/07/23) | Completo

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After All You Have Been Through – Are You Capable of Saving Your Relationship After the Affair?

You feel as if you have been to hell and back – your partner cheated on you after so many years together – is it worth saving your relationship after the affair? Of course you were totally devastated when your ex confessed to having the affair – who wouldn’t be?

Where to Start the Repair After an Affair

An affair can greatly damage a marriage, but by being honest and open you can repair the relationship. The first step toward reconciliation requires that both the “cheater” and the “cheatee” commit to wanting to make amends and save the relationship. The next thing they both must do is admit that the affair happened. Ignoring it and moving on will serve no purpose.

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