TV Fama: Maitê Proença confessa uso de drogas; Gianecchini se fere em cena (26/05/23) | Completo

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Don’t Confront the Other Woman After an Affair

Finding out that your husband has been having an affair is one of the most infuriating things a married woman can go through. Anger, along with a slew of other emotions, is a very natural reaction. Problems arise when that anger gets directed in the wrong directions.

Rebuilding Marriage – 3 Magic Tips To Salvage Your Marriage After An Affair

So you had admitted that you had cheated on your spouse and are now truly repentant. You are now looking for immediate solutions to salvage your marriage. The bad news is that, like a mirror, a broken marriage will still have scars even if you piece them up. The healing process of a betrayed spouse will take a very long time and this is where you have to show patience and commitment. Once you are committed in saving your marriage, do not give up for any reasons.

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