TV Fama: Marido de atriz faz desabafo; Maria Beltrão está traumatizada e mais (09/09/22) | Completo

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My Husband Is So Cold And Distant To Everyone After His Affair (Including Our Children) – What Now?

I often have women tell me that they can’t help but notice some very troublesome personality changes in their husband after he cheated or had an affair. Sometimes, the wife isn’t the only one who is noticing these changes. Often, the children involved or other family members can’t help but notice as well. Sometimes, even the husband’s boss or coworkers will mention noticing a difference. I recently heard from a wife who said, in part: “my husband is so cold to our entire family and social circle after his affair. I expected and hoped that he would be falling all over himself trying to make this right because that’s just the type of person that he has always been. My husband has always coached my kid’s sports teams. We’ve always been the house where the whole neighborhood hangs out. I’m not bragging when I say that most people think very highly of my husband. Before he had an affair, he was so loving, giving, fun loving, and outgoing. Now, he’s distant, aloof, and cold. He doesn’t even resemble the same person.”

Surviving Infidelity – How to Move On

Surviving infidelity is very difficult because no spouse expects the other would be unfaithful and therefore do not know how to move on. Most people find it hard to envision a good life after the affair. The fact that you have been betrayed by the won you have trusted the most also greatly adds to the pain and misery of the ordeal.

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