TV Fama: Medina quer mudar de profissão; ex-BBB leva calote (05/09/22) | Completo

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How Can You Know If Your Spouse Is Lying?

The question as to whether your spouse is lying will arise after you discover the affair. Well, your spouse had an affair and it has come out in the open. You had some talk and decided to put the act of infidelity behind and carry on with your life. It looks like the happy ending of a story. But often, the real problem starts here. A very disturbing question a victim of an affair will have is: “How do I know my wife/husband is telling the truth?”

Tips For Coping When Your Husband Still Has To Interact With The Woman He Had An Affair With

It goes without saying that the ideal when you’re trying to save your marriage after infidelity or an affair is for the spouse who cheated to cut off all contact or ties with the other person. It’s difficult enough to save your marriage when it’s only the two of you, but this becomes more difficult if the triangle is still in tact. Sometimes though, contact with the other woman is unavoidable. Sometimes she’s a neighbor, a friend, or a coworker. I’ve even heard of her being an ex wife and the mother of the current husband’s children. I recently heard from a wife whose husband had cheated with a colleague at work. She said, in part “my husband still works with the woman he had an affair with. He assures me that he will and can set boundaries. This makes me extremely uncomfortable. He is the one who cheated on me and now it’s his responsibility to break all ties so that he doesn’t see her any more. Am I wrong?”

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