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What Is Emotional Infidelity? 5 Signs It Could Be Happening In Your Marriage

Emotional infidelity is a word you may have heard before. Chances are, the first time you heard this word you didn’t suspect that it could apply to you or your relationship. However, if you believe that you or your spouse have become attached to or enamored with a person outside of your marriage, you will probably want to spend some more time to understand this phenomenon. Here is a definition of emotional infidelity, as well as 5 signs that it could be happening in your marriage.

Getting Over Infidelity – Learning to Trust Your Husband Again

Your husband committed adultery. Now you’re struggling with the question of how you can ever trust him again. You believe him when he says he’s sorry and that he feels stupid and shameful of over his affair, but you just can’t seem to get over how easily you were duped. You know that at some point getting over infidelity means learning to take him at his word. After all you can’t have marriage without trust. But how do you go about ever believing another word he says?

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