TV Fama mostra bastidores do Programa Raul Gil com Flávia Noronha: “Obrigada por tudo”

O TV Fama invadiu o SBT e acompanhou a nossa apresentadora Flávia Noronha para mostrar os bastidores do “Programa Raul Gil”. Flávia é jurada da atração ao lado de Caio Mesquita e Tania Mara. Confira #TVFama

Beating Yourself Up After The Affair Destroys Your Self-Esteem

Your spouse’s infidelity has already dealt a catastrophic blow to your self-esteem and now you are beating yourself up destroying what is left. How many times have you blamed yourself about what you could have done or why you didn’t see the signs that something was wrong. You have probably inflicted so many beatings upon yourself that it’s now become a bad habit.

Infidelity – Healing The Wounds

You found out your spouse was cheating on you and you want to know what your options are. It’s time to make some tough decisions but you aren’t sure what to do. Here are some straightforward suggestions about the questions you need to ask yourself.

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