TV Fama: Neymar em nova polêmica; Anitta lança perfume íntimo e mais (13/07/22) | Completo

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My Spouse Doesn’t Believe I’ve Taken Enough Responsibility For The Affair: What Now?

I heard from a husband who said: “I made the huge mistake of cheating on my wife with a friend’s sister. It was honestly just a fling. She was home to visit family and since she lives hundreds of miles away, neither of us thought that it was going to be a lasting thing. Well, my friend felt so betrayed that he actually told my wife. And my wife nearly divorced me over this. For months, I begged my wife to give me another chance. After a couple of months, she finally agreed to start seeing me again on a regular basis with the plan of just seeing what happened between us. In my own mind, things are going well. I feel the old spark again and we would often laugh and have a good time. Last weekend, I asked if I could move back home again and my wife said that she didn’t think so because she ‘doesn’t feel like I’m taking full responsibility for cheating.’ I said I was sorry. I’ve promised not to do it again. I’ve been wooing her once again and she knows that I have remorse. What more am I supposed to do?”

Learn to Avoid the Temptation of an Affair

Attracted to a married man? It’s time to realize the risks and learn to battle the temptation.

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