Tv Fama: Papo com Sheila Mello, José Loreto e mais! (09/06/23) | Completo

Acompanhe as principais notícias do mundo dos famosos com Fefito, Flavia Noronha e Nelson Rubens. #TVFama

Stop the Divorce Proceedings and Work on Your Marriage After an Affair

One person in a marriage has an affair and the other person who is emotionally devastated immediately files for a divorce. Is it possible to stop the divorce proceedings and work on this marriage after an affair? Yes it is possible to stop the divorce proceedings after an affair but there are certain things that must happen in order for the divorce proceedings to stop.

Did My Husband Ever Really Love Me If He Had An Affair?

I often hear from wives who tell me that they feel as though their entire marriage was a lie after they’ve found out about their husband’s affair. I often hear comments like: “Part of me wonders if he ever really loved me at all. Because if he did, he wouldn’t be able to betray me in this way.” Or “I’m starting to wonder if his love for me was all in my own head.” These feelings are very normal and natural.

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