TV Fama: Preparo de Carla Diaz, Erika Schneider e Sabrina Sato no Carnaval (20/02/22) | Completo

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Why Do Men Have Affairs – 5 Reasons For A Husband’s Infidelity

Many wives wonder why do men have affairs. The reasons for a man cheating are as varied as the men themselves. If you catch these signals in your husband you may know in time how to stop an affair. While a man’s decision to be unfaithful is on his shoulders, usually there are things that the wife can do to keep him from wanting to stray.

What Is an Emotional Affair? – Signs Of an Emotional Affair

If you find that your wife or husband displays a deep emotional friendship with another person, the connection has probably crossed over into an emotional affair. Marital life is built upon an emotional connection involving two individuals who have embraced wedding vows and their day-to-day lives. Whenever one spouse looks away from marriage to search for gratification, whether that gratification is sexual or psychological in character, I consider that infidelity on the marriage relationship.

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