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The Differences Between Males And Females: How To Survive Infidelity

The reality that infidelity is a serious problem cannot be denied. No one can say that they won’t be a victim of cheating. If you’re confronting unfaithfulness, you’ll find useful references that you can use.

My Husband Hurt Me With His Infidelity – How Am I Not Supposed To Act Angry Around Him?

I heard from a wife who said: “to say that I am crushed by my husband’s cheating is an understatement. I feel like our whole lives was nothing more than a lie. He is begging me to allow him to have a chance to make this up to me. He promises that I will not regret it if I give him another chance. But I feel so damaged right now. Every day, I find myself retreating from him. I wear my heart on my sleeve and it’s very obvious that I am uncomfortable and angry. My husband mostly ignores this, but sometimes he will say that if I can’t stop being so angry and distant, he’s not sure how we’re going to be able to save our marriage. I think that he wants me to act forgiving and loving when this truly isn’t the way that I really feel. How are you supposed to act around the man who hurt you by cheating on you? I don’t want to sabotage my marriage and I don’t want to be unpleasant to be around. But I can’t help the way that I feel.”

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