Vanessa Giácomo se despede da personagem Leonor e dá tapa no visual: “Fiz umas luzes”

O elenco de ‘Travessia’ se reuniu em um bar no bairro Jardim Botânico, no Rio de Janeiro, para comemorar o fim da novela nesta sexta-feira (05). O TV Fama esteve no local e bateu um papo ao vivo com Vanessa Giácomo, a Leonor da novela. #TVFama

Signs of a Cheating Husband – How to Tell If Your Man Is Being Unfaithful Or Not

You need to learn the signs of a cheating husband and you need to learn them today. Only then are you going to be able to learn what is going on in your marriage. If your man isn’t man enough to tell you what is going on and to be honest with you, then you are allowed to play dirty too.

What Can You Do After Your Husband’s Infidelity?

Being cheated on by a husband is one of the most difficult things you will ever experience. You have to deal with the betrayal and lost of trust that goes along with this. As time goes on after learning about a husband’s infidelity many questions will come up concerning what should be done.

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