Vanessa Mesquita
Ex vencedora do BBB 14 e atualmente faz conteúdo adulto para o OnlyFans.

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The Affair Has Been Over For Months But The Other Woman Keeps Trying To Contact My Husband

“The affair happened six months ago. As soon as I found out about it, my husband agreed to end it. I heard him call the other woman, tell her the affair was over, and ask her not to contact him again. I heard him say these words. And his voice with steady and forceful. There is no way that she could have mistook what he was saying. It was very clear that he didn’t want to be contacted by her again. And yet, the other day, I looked at his texts and there was one from her saying how much she missed him. My husband responded that they shouldn’t be talking. And she responded with: ‘it’s true. I do still miss you. I don’t care how much time passes. I still miss you.’ I am so upset by this. Why is she still trying to worm her way in his life? He says he hasn’t done anything to encourage her, but I don’t know what to believe at this point. Why would she continue to try to contact him if he’s not doing anything to encourage her? Is this possible? And how can I make her stop?”

5 Reasons People Have Affairs: Did I Deserve To Be Cheated On?

The age long question why do people have affairs? Did I deserve to be cheated on? I need to understand this, but who can I talk to? I’m sure marriage counselors have good advice, but what would a cheater say? Hear it from a former cheaters mouth why he thinks people cheat on their spouses.

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