Vera Fisher detona retoques em fotos de redes sociais: “Filtro é babaca, ridículo”

A atriz Vera Fisher bateu um papo com o TV Fama e disse que não aplica filtros em suas fotos em redes sociais. A atriz, no entanto, detonou este tipo de retoque digital: “Filtro é babaca, ridículo” #TVFama

Infidelity In Marriages – The 7 Things You Need To Know To Rebuild The Trust After Being Cheated On

If you have decided to stay in your marriage, rebuilding the trust after an affair is a must! Here are 7 things you need to know to rebuild the trust after being cheated on.

Infidelity: The Other Woman and You

Infidelity is not always about falling in love with the other woman. But what makes her so attractive to your man? Don’t ever think your man will tell you what is wrong with you because he won’t. Don’t also think that the other woman will apologize because she also won’t. She will probably blame you for the whole affair. Why not? She’s a bitch and bitches don’t apologize; they rationalize. It all redounds to you, the injured party and how you fare alongside a bitch and a cheater.

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