Vida amorosa de Glória Maria: TV Fama mostra os relacionamentos amorosos da jornalista

A jornalista Glória Maria, que morreu nesta quinta-feira (02) em decorrência de um câncer teve uma vida amorosa digamos que agitada. Casamentos secretos, crush e namoros. O TV Fama abriu o jogo sobre os casos da jornalista

Survive Infidelity By Resolving The Root Problem

There are many things which can put a marriage at risk but infidelity is a main cause of divorce. The thought of your husband or wife cheating on you with another person is enough for some people to call for divorce proceedings but it doesn’t have to be the case.

After Infidelity A Marriage Can Still Survive

There is no reason why a married couple cannot stay together after infidelity but it is clear that a lot of work needs to be done. Playing away from home can be a very damaging thing and it is a major reason in why so many marriages end in divorce.

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