Viih Tube e Eliezer tentam manter gravidez longe dos holofotes: “Tem gente que torce pra dar errado”

O casal Viih Tube e Eliezer disseram ao TV Fama que estão tentando manter a gravides longe da mídia. De acordo com Viih, esta escolha por mais privacidade tem a ver com comentários maldosos da internet: “Tem gente que torce pra dar errado”

Is It Possible For A Marriage To Survive An Affair?

Somebody cheated. Somebody gets hurt. Can you survive an affair? This question looms large and the answers require dedication.

3 Easy Steps to Catch Your Boyfriend Cheating On You By Looking at His Behavior at Social Events

Attention Suspicious Girlfriends! Here’s what you will learn as you read this article: (1) The easiest way to test if he’s cheating on you. (2) What your boyfriend will do if he’s cheating. (3) How to confirm your suspicions…For good! Stop wondering whether or not your boyfriend is loyal!

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