Viih Tube fala sobre recuperação do ex-bbb Rodrigo Mussi: “Ele não lembra do acidente”

A influenciadora digital Viih Tube está sendo responsável pelas redes sociais de Rodrigo Mussi, após o grave acidente de carro que ele sofreu no mês passado em São Paulo. Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, a youtuber revelou como está sendo a recuperação do ex-bbb.

“Os médicos recomendam não falar muito sobre o acidente, só se ele perguntar. Enquanto ele não se questiona muito, porque está bem confuso, a gente evita falar. Até agora, ele não deu nem um indício de lembrar do acidente”, contou Viih Tube. Confira os detalhes! #TVFAMA

An Entertaining Day With Family in South Kensington

Planning to take your family for a day out and can’t decide as to where should you go? Try South Kensington which has everything that you need for a family outing!! You can find a lot of interesting places to go and also enjoy lot of open spaces with the kids. You will have to plan the day and what all do you want to cover because one day may not seem enough!!

Summer Safety Tips for Children and Adults

Summer is here! It’s time to remind ourselves to stay safe and take precautions to deal with hot weather. You need to take good care of yourself and your children to protect from the sun’s heat. In this article, we share a few summer safety tips for children and adults. Make sure to follow them for a safe and fun filled summer.

Honoring Loved Ones Who Have Passed During Your Wedding or Special Occasion

Honor a parent, a grandparent, sibling, friend or even a pet that has passed on, by incorporating them into your wedding or special event. By doing this you can help complete the occasion and restore a feeling of togetherness for the whole family.

Birthday Mascot Character Maintenance and Repair

Learn how to maintain and repair your birthday mascot character costumes effectively. These tips will ensure a long lasting life for the costume.

3 Entertaining Family Reunion Activities That Can Make the Event a Big Hit

Family reunion activities are a starting point for bringing the family together and helping extended family members to get to know each other. Below are activities that do just that and are sure to make your event a memorable one.

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