Vinícius confessa história comprometedora, mas é disputado pelas garotas | Vai Dar Namoro

Vinicius contou um episódio comprometedor de sua vida amorosa pregressa no palco do Vai dar Namoro. Ele confessou que já inventou que a avó estava doente para dar um fora em uma garota. De volta ao palco após beijar Caio e dar um fora nele, Leticia passou uma cantada no rapaz, mas Beatriz foi escolhida para conversar com ele.

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Surviving an Affair: The 3 Simple Ingredients That Make Your Marriage Better Than Ever!

If your marriage has been traumatized by an affair, but you still want to save it despite your spouse’s infidelity there are 3 fundamental ingredients you need to make it affair proof and stronger than ever. Saving a marriage after an affair is not easy and the biggest roadblock to healing your relationship is to live in the past and wish that things could be as they were before the affair. Do you find yourself asking: “Can’t we just go back to the way things were before?

Easy Solution for Infidelity in Marriage

Marriage is supposed to be a source of satisfaction and enjoyment in your life but that is no longer true ever since there has been infidelity in marriage. Now there is a big void in your life and you can’t trust your spouse anymore. You even started second guessing your past and present decisions. (i.e. “I was so sure he/she would never cheat on me”).

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