Vivi Fernandes revela que jogador da seleção assina seu conteúdo adulto: “Me pediu para nunca falar”

A musa das pegadinhas, Vivi Fernandes – que distribuiu conteúdo adulto em uma plataforma na internet – fez uma revelação. Disse que um jogador da seleção é assinante do seu material. No entanto, como disse ele não deixa que a musa revele a sua identidade

Taking Back the Power in Your Relationship After Being Betrayed By Your Partner

Are you giving away all the power in your relationship even though it was your partner who cheated on you? Let me share with you a story and use it to explain to you how you can take back the power in your relationship.

How to Cope With Life After Infidelity in Your Marriage

It can be difficult to deal with things after you discover your husband had an affair.  Your life gets thrown through upside-down and it seems like there’s nothing “solid” you can hold on to, if you know what I mean.  Here, I’m going to help share with you a few tips on how to adapt to life after infidelity.

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