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How Does A Husband Feel When The Other Woman Breaks Off The Affair?

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had an affair with his ex fiance. When I found out about the affair, I told my husband that he had to end it immediately, but he told me that he had no idea what he wanted and that he would understand if I wanted to move out or get a divorce. I suppose this reverse psychology worked because I agreed to give him some time before I took any action. I am not real proud to admit that I have been reading my husband’s emails. Last week, I read an email that indicated that the other women just broke things off with him. My husband didn’t tell me anything about this. He hasn’t really acted any differently toward me. And he certainly isn’t going to share his feelings. So I am wondering how he is feeling now? Are men generally sad when the other woman breaks it off? Is there anger? I can’t get a handle on what is going to happen now if my husband won’t tell me what he’s feeling.” I will try to address this in the following article.

My Husband’s Excuse For Cheating Is That He Knew He Wasn’t Good Enough For Me

I heard from a wife who said: “my husband had a very brief two night fling with a woman from his office. This caught me completely off guard because I thought that we were happy and I’m pretty sure that my husband has enjoyed being married to me. He has always told me that I am much more than he deserves. So I have repeatedly asked my husband why in the world he would cheat on a wife who has been nothing but loyal. He finally told me that he believes that he cheated because deep in his heart, he doesn’t believe that he is good enough for me. In short, he says he knows he doesn’t deserve me and he thinks that he cheated to force what he always knew was going to happen which was me leaving him. Does this excuse even make sense? And does it mean that he will cheat again? I’m willing to work with him to save our marriage but I don’t want this issue to keep coming up.”

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