Vivi Fernandez conta como foi trabalhar na indústria pornô

“Eu não nasci, cresci e disse: Quero ser atriz pornô. Eu queria ser Aeromoça.”

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Sex Life of Middle-Aged Women

To be a wife and a mother is not easy. Then you put in career, which a lot of modern-day women are so conscious of, and you go to bed with a woman too tired and stressed-out to have sleep, not sex, in her mind. A lot of women in mid-life are confronted with several issues that impact their sensuality, i.e., motherhood, career, declining physical features, husbands who are uncharacteristically coming home late, relationship issues, health issues common to women, etc

Thinking of Cheating?

The lure of having different sex. Many people consider having an affair at on time or another. This article is directed at those “Thinking of Cheating” on how to notice the warning signs you’re going down the wrong road. Finally we discuss how to overcome the challenge and temptation of having an affair.

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