Viviane Araújo comenta sobre experiência de desfilar grávida no carnaval: “Não fiz muito esforço”

Viviane Araújo foi um dos nomes mais comentados do carnaval desta ano ao colocar a barriga de grávida para jogo no desfile da Salgueiro no Rio de Janeiro. Em entrevista exclusiva ao ‘TV FAMA’, a rainha de bateria comentou sobre a experiência.

“Foi tranquilo até porque eu não fiz muito esforço, não senti nada. Ele também ficou bem tranquilo, nem mexeu”, disse Viviane Araújo. Confira os detalhes da entrevista! #TVFAMA

A Beginner’s Guide to Hosting a Karaoke Night

Karaoke is a sure-fire way of having a great night with your friends or family. You do not even have to go to a private venue for the festivities.

Pioneer’s Performance Wi-Fi Speakers and Receivers With Apple AirPlay(R)

This article is about Pioneer’s Innovated products utilizing Apple AirPlay and Home Media Gallery features. The new powered powered performance speakers can receive your music files through your home network or via USB.

Once Homeowner Fantasy, Now a Reality: Virtual Golf Simulators

There are two types of golf simulators on the market today. One type cost much less and eventually collects dust, and the other type has been a homeowner fantasy for golfers of skill levels for years: this type of golf simulator is sure to not collect dust.

Staycation, Fun at Home

The new buzz word for families in this day and time is “Staycation”. This is a fairly new phenomenon that has evolved from our recent recession. Each of us are looking for more economical ways to have fun with the small amount of free time we have. Some of our best times have been at home around our fire pit.

Theme Time Family Fun Around the Fire Pit

The holidays are here again and everyone has a different take on what is fun around the holidays with their family. We are a very active family and enjoy a lot of different activities. Many times during this time of year the usual party themes get a little old. Why not let your imagination run wild? Even in the Winter you don’t have to stay in doors.

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