Wagner Moura revela interesse do filho por cinema: “Está felicíssimo”

O ator, diretor e roterista Wagner Moura levou a família à Premiação do Cinema Brasileiro, onde levou 8 estatuetas com o filme ‘Marighella”. Durante o bate-papo, Moura revelou ao TV Fama, o interesse do filho, Bem Moura, por cinema: “Está felicíssimo”

I Want To Apologize To All The Hurt Women and Men

If you read this, it is an apology to all the hurting women and men that discovered that their loved one had or has been cheating on them. It’s never easy to find these things out and even harder when you are waiting on an apology that may never come. For all of you waiting on your apology, here goes…

Sign of Cheating: Changes in Day-To-Day Behaviors

If you feel like your spouse is having an affair, they probably are. You really need to trust your instinct when it comes to these things. There are several ways to determine if your spouse is cheating on you. If you know what to look for, you will realize that the actions of people who cheat are pretty obvious.

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