Yasmin Brunet se envolve em acidente de carro e culpa os astros: “Bom eclipse para todos”

Na manhã desta sexta-feira, a modelo Yasmin Brunet se envolveu em um acidente de carro no Rio de Janeiro. Após o ocorrido, a loira – para comemorar o fato de todos estarem bem – brincou ao dar a entender, por meio de um texto em redes sociais, que a culpa pela fatalidade teria sido dos astros, já que ela citou o eclipse que ocorreu nesta sexta (05). #TVFama

Marriage After An Affair – 3 Great Tips In Rebuilding Marriages After An Emotional Affair

To maintain a marriage after an affair, you need to recognize that this is not easy. It will take some time to get back to what it was before the affair, even though you thought that you and your spouse had overcome the rage, jealousy and hurt. The truth is that one can never forget the emotional affair but, you can forgive your spouse in time. And this is just more than words. It will require you to change your mindset and think about your marriage and the future with your spouse.

Your Wife Is Having An Affair – One Thing You Can Do To Bring Back Happier Times At Home

Remember when you and your wife were just happy to be together? It’s hard to believe that the beautiful and loving young woman you loved then is your wife today and even harder to believe that your wife is having an affair. There is the one thing you can do to bring your marriage back to the happier times you shared so long ago but you’re going to have to read all the way through to the bottom to find out what it is.

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