Yudi sobre Priscilla Alcantara cantar no carnaval: “Ambiente que te leva para vários lugares”e

A cantora Priscilla Alcantara foi criticada no meio evangélico por cantar no carnaval ao lado de Ivete Sangalo. Questionado sobre a polêmica, o amigo de longa data da cantora, Yudi Tamashiro, com o qual dividia o palco do programa infantil “Bom dia e Cia’ se pronunciou: “Aquele é um ambiente que te leva para vários lugares”

Marriage Advice – How To Get Your Husband Back After Cheating

Do you know what the best marriage advice about how to get your husband back after cheating has to say? This secret solution is so simple and yet so effective you’ll be left wondering why on earth you didn’t think of that.

Why Men Have Affairs

Why do men keep having affairs, when everyone knows that doing so can sink the best relationships? And why do it when you’ve got a gorgeous partner? Research suggests that there may be an inbuilt self-destruct process in men that they will need to be aware of and address if they are to hold onto those they love the most.

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