“Cheiroso, atencioso e indeciso” diz ex sobre participante Bruno | Vai Dar Namoro

Bruno, de 22 anos, é modelo e estudante de Direito. Ele está sozinho há um ano e meio e fez uma cantada para impressionar as mulheres. “Toda vez que eu segurar sua mão, você vai receber uma flor”, disse ele, que tem uma tatuagem de rosa na mão. Ao participar do quadro “Diz Aí”, a ex disse que ele é “cheiroso, atencioso e indeciso”.

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I Want To Forgive His Affair – But How Can I Do That When He Won’t Tell The Truth And Confess?

“I know that my husband has been cheating with a coworker. In fact, I have talked with the other woman on the phone and she has confirmed everything. She told me that she was going to break things off because now that she sees me as a real person with real pain, she can’t just continue on with the lying and the deception anymore. There is a relief to know that. The problem is that my husband refuses to confess. He doesn’t have any explanation about the texts that I have seen between them other than to say that they sometimes flirt with one another, but that is as far as it goes. I don’t believe this. It’s awful to say but I believe the other woman over my husband. I know him very well and I can tell when he is lying. I know that he is lying now. The irony of this whole thing is that if he would just confess, I think that I could forgive him and move on. But it doesn’t appear that he plans to tell the truth. How can I forgive him if he won’t confess?”

How to Never Cheat

The one thing that most people don’t want to happen in their relationship is cheating. Cheating can destroy any relationship. Here are some helpful tips to keep cheating from damaging your relationship.

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