De Natal (RN), Matheus está desiludido com as paulistas e busca novo amor | Vai Dar Namoro

Matheus, de 27 anos, é engenheiro de atendimento em uma empresa de software e veio para São Paulo trabalhar. Ele é de Natal (RN) e tem se decepcionado com as paulistas. Será que desta vez ele engata um romance?

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Surprising Technique To Save Your Marriage After An Affair

When couples talk about ways to rescue their marriage, both of them have their own vision of what will transpire, in particular if an affair is concerned. Some of the things you may deal with are the negative thoughts, accusations and keeping lines of communication open.

My Spouse Claims That It Matters That His Infidelity Didn’t Involve Actual Sex

“I caught my husband sending pictures to his coworker. The phone pictures were suggestive and obviously inappropriate. He was caught red handed, so he really couldn’t deny it. But after we started talking about this for a while, be began to insist that there was never any sex between them. He admitted that they have been sending inappropriate photos and that they have been sneaking away for lunch together. He says that they have kissed and cuddled. He even admits that if I hadn’t caught him, intercourse would have eventually have happened, probably. But he says that it hadn’t happened when I caught him. He admits that his behavior was risky and wrong. But he feels that it should matter that he didn’t have sex with her. Does it really matter?”

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