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If A Cheating Spouse Shows No Remorse, How Can The Trust Return?
“When pressed, my husband will mumble a short and insincere apology for cheating on me, but he so clearly does not mean it. And he is so clearly angry at even having to explain himself or to have to answer for his actions. And when we talk about the reasons that he cheated, he is so full of justifications — as though he truly believes that he had legitimate reasons to cheat on me. He says that he wants to make our marriage work. And deep down, I want that too. But I just do not know how this will ever be possible. I do not see how I will ever be able to trust him. Especially when he doesn’t seem to feel that he did anything wrong and he seemingly feels no remorse.”
I’m Very Unhappy With My Marriage After My Spouse’s Affair“I honestly do not even recognize my marriage today. I am not happy with it. It’s like an old-person marriage, where the couple bicker and secretly hate one another. It is the type of marriage that I swore I would never have. It all went to heck after my husband’s affair. I actually did pack my stuff, load up the kids, and stay with my sister. But the kids were whining and homesick, my husband was calling every night and begging me to come home, and my job was not so understanding about all of the time off. So I reluctantly went back, but I told my husband that it might be only temporary. He told me that he would take what he could get. We did go to counseling, but I did not care for the counselor. So we eventually stopped. Now I’ve got a marriage that is barely hanging on. My husband walks on egg shells around me because I am so angry all of the time. We never have any fun. Our kids are timid about everything. I am not happy with this marriage. But I am not sure if I would be happier divorced.”
Why Do People Cheat On Their Partners?Have you ever sat back and wondered why do people cheat? Why on Earth would anyone in their right minds cheat on another person? A person you are supposedly in love with, a person you trust, a person that dedicated time and effort to you. Unfortunately, the reality is that we can’t control what our partners do. Although it may seem unreal, there are many reasons why people cheat.
My Husband Is Trying To Minimize His Emotional Affair By Saying They Were Just Friends“My husband does not understand why I am so angry by his emotional affair. Honestly, I feel every bit as hurt as I might if I walked in and saw my husband in bed with the other woman. I didn’t. Instead, I found all these emails and texts between them where they are discussing the most intimate details of their lives. There is nothing like: ‘I can’t wait to have your hands on me,’ or anything like that. But they do clearly look forward to seeing each other and getting together. And they clearly lean and one another emotionally. My husband was obviously panicked when I found this correspondence. By the guilty look on his face and the way that he got all flustered when I confronted him, it’s obvious that somewhere deep down, he knows that he was wrong. He says he feels that he can talk to her about anything because there is nothing romantic between them. He says it’s harmless. That is not how it feels. He says I should not worry about but I am very worried. How do I make him see that this was an affair and that it was extremely inappropriate?”
I Feel Like Ending My Marriage Would Be Letting The Affair Win“Some of my friends think I’m stupid, but I have decided not to end my marriage even though my husband had a very embarrassing affair. To be honest, my husband is still acting a bit like an idiot, but I can tell that he’s trying. And he’s agreed to go to counseling, so there is a small reason to be hopeful. But more than that, I have decided that I refuse to let the affair win. What I mean by that is that I just can not in good faith allow some low-class, loser of a woman to walk into my life and take what is mine. Honestly, I don’t know if I still want my husband, but I’ll be darned if I’m going to let someone take him from me. If I ultimately choose to give him to her, fine. But I don’t see that happening. My friends say that this is dumb of me and that is just my stubbornness and my low self esteem talking. Are they right?”