Curitibano arrisca com cantada em alemão e impressiona até conselheiros | Vai dar Namoro

Depois de contar um “causo” envolvendo uma ex-namorada, o estudante de engenharia civil Eduardo, de 20 anos, mandou uma cantada em alemão e acabou deixando todos de boca aberta.

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After Adultery: Breaking The Negative Thought Cycle After Adultery

You’ve got quite a bit of time invested in your marriage. Years in fact! You think things are going smoothly, everything is right with the world, when “Bam” out of nowhere your spouse drops the after adultery bomb right on your head. What a cold dose of reality!

My Husband Resents Me After His Affair

The other day, I heard from a wife who had caught her husband having an affair. The signs were there and she couldn’t help but follow them, and she found what she had feared. She confronted her husband but rather than getting the remorseful response she had hoped for, her husband was indignant. She had expected for him to beg for her forgiveness and ask to work on saving the marriage. Instead, he was furious that she had been spying on him. And, he seemed incredibly resentful at the wife’s need for answers. The wife said, in part: “he acts as if I’m the one who did something wrong. I should be the one who is mad at him, not the other way around. What in the world is wrong with him?” I will discuss this topic more in the following article.

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