Modelo é disputado ao cantar em dupla com Rodrigo Faro | Vai dar Namoro

Sozinho há dois anos, o modelo fotográfico Matheus, de 25, convocou Rodrigo Faro para fazer uma dupla musical com ele. Depois da apresentação inusitada, ele ainda mandou uma cantada e acabou sendo disputado pelas gatas.

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#HoradoFaro #RodrigoFaro #VaiDarNamoro

How to Begin Surviving an Affair

There are several keys to surviving an affair, the first of which is getting everything out in the open. If you don’t believe that you have been told the whole truth or that you are missing some of the details that you just need to know, then you will never be able to move on with your life.

Can You Survive Infidelity?

Believe it or not, you will learn how to survive infidelity and come out much stronger on the other side. You must remember never to take the blame for anything that your husband did, and although you can certainly make changes in your relationship in the future (and you should!), the changes should be based on making the relationship stronger and better for both of you, not just for him.

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